About azeeadmin

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So far azeeadmin has created 11 blog entries.


Obtain distribution of Venture Pharmaceutical & Hansel Pharmaceuticals for Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s market Obtain distribution of selected products of Searle Pharmaceutical for Pakistani & Afghanistani market Obtain exclusive right of Sale of Alpha Pharmaceutical India [...]


Obtain distribution of Reckitt Benkister, Pliva Pharmaceutical, Ferozsons Laboratories, Saif Pharma Fynk Pharma for Export


Developed network of partners in major cities of Punjab 7,000 sq ft Rental Property


Developed business relationship with South African pharmaceutical importers


Enter Baluchistan Pharmaceutical business through branch office in Quetta Medicine market 5,000 sq ft Rental Property


Open Branch in Peshawar, Al Mansoor Medicine market 8,000 sq ft Company Owned Property

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